Saturday, May 13, 2006

Day 4: Mukuyuni Deliverance Church

On Wednesday, we visited Deliverance Church in Mukuyuni. This was one of the more primitive sanctuaries as can be seen by the picture below. We performed the tests in the pastor's office, which is a separate structure at the rear of the santuary off to the right. It is quite small, but the numbers were not. We had a good turnout and some amazing testimony.

Cecilia, who is a store owner in town, brought a three to four week old baby girl to be tested. The little girl was literally left at Cecilia's doorstep a week before we arrived. Thinking that one reason the baby was abandoned could be that she has HIV/AIDS, Cecilia would decide whether or not she could care for the child based on the baby's test results. Faith, the three week old baby, tested negative, and therefore, Cecilia's decision was clear: She will raise Faith herself. Had Faith tested positive, Cecilia's decision would have undoubtedly been more complicated.

Deliverance Church was in the process of completing construction on its new sanctuary, which is also pictured below. They were hoping to put a roof on it in the near future.

Deliverance Church, Mukuyuni
Future sanctuary of Deliverance Church
Angie & I preparing for the tests in the pastor's office
Primative perhaps, but beatiful nonetheless
Cecilia & Faith

Angie & Faith


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